Year 10 Mock Exams – please click HERE for timetable (Jan 2025)

A message from our Headteacher

At Alderbrook School we are a thriving, successful, vibrant and energetic community demonstrating a common purpose – to ensure the very best for our students.

Our aim is to be an ambitious, brave and kind community, and we are proud to be a truly comprehensive school providing an education of a high quality for all our students.

Please click here to read more.

Tom Beveridge 

Social Media

Key Dates

Click here for our major events and dates for your diary

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Consultation Evenings

Click here to book your child’s next Parents’ Consultation Evening Appointments

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In addition to the standard curriculum, we boast a rich and diverse extra-curricular enrichment programme which aims to further develop the skills, passions and abilities of our students.

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Our students are proud to be part of the Alderbrook family and we relentlessly strive to ensure that they leave us academically and socially successful through inspirational education. 

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We consider parental and carer involvement to be of paramount importance. We keep in close touch via email, SMS, newsletters and termly reports amongst other communications.

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We strive for the highest quality of teaching and we are proud of our students’ achievements, both academically and socially. ABK staff have high expectations of both themselves and our students.

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Marjorie Willis Educational Foundation

A registered charity supporting the Education of Alderbrook Students

Established in 1974 the Marjorie Willis Educational Foundation has supported school projects that fall outside of normal school funding, such as minibuses, water fountains, art equipment and presentation evening awards.

We are activing encouraging all parents and carers to support the Charity with small regular donations if they can.

Click here to learn more and how to donate

The Brightest of Futures

One of our aims is to nurture your child so that they take with them the qualifications, skills, attributes and compassion necessary to lead a fulfilling life.  In addition, in our digital age, they need the knowledge, capabilities and foresight to succeed in occupations, which are yet to be created.

Finally, we are committed that the Alderbrook learning experience moves with the times whilst maintaining the traditions of good manners, tolerance and respect for others.  We look forward to working with you as parents and carers to create the best possible life chances for your child.

Academic Excellence, Stimulating Curiosity, Unlocking Potential

Our curriculum engages, enthuses and sparks curiosity. Our GCSE and Technical qualifications prepare students for the competitive world as they develop academically and stimulate personal confidence and resilience. We ensure that our broad and balanced curriculum inspires and engages our students but also offers challenge, support and development for every individual.

Alderbrook School Prospectus

Thank you for considering our school for your child’s education. Founded in 1974 and situated in the heart of Solihull, we create opportunities for students to achieve high academic results and also a platform to extend their personal qualities, talents and interests. Our inclusive and caring ethos values and nurtures individuality.

View our prospectus
  • Our purpose is to provide a high quality inclusive education, which will support, challenge and inspire children, enabling them to succeed, mature and fulfil their potential.

  • Alderbrook school leaders and pupils share the same high aspirations.

    OFSTED 2023
  • Relationships between pupils and staff are warm and respectful Teachers treat pupils as individuals and pupils welcome this.

    OFSTED 2023
  • Leaders have developed an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum, including in the sixth form.

    OFSTED 2023
  • Pupils’ well-being is at the forefront of leaders’ vision, including pupils’ mental health.

    OFSTED 2023
  • Safeguarding is exceptionally well embedded in the culture of the school.

    OFSTED 2023