
A message from David Evans, Chair of Trustees : 

All Trustees of Alderbrook School are unpaid volunteers who play a crucial role in helping students reach their full potential. Trustees support the Headteacher, the Senior Leadership Team and staff by sharing their diverse expertise and experience, offering valuable insights, celebrating successes and learning lessons from any setbacks. While we do not play any direct role in day-to-day management or make decisions that require teaching expertise, we work closely with the school through committees and scheduled visits to help guide key decisions and ensure accountability to the community. My background was in Further Education and financial training, and I’ve been a trustee of Alderbrook for over fifteen years. I’m also Chair of Solihull Symphony Orchestra, and a committed lifelong learner – I sat Classical Greek GCSE at the school this summer!

It’s a great honour to have been elected Chair, and I’d like to pay particular tribute to my predecessor Annette Scott for her nearly twenty years of selfless service. She has left a proud legacy to follow. I look forward to working alongside Annette and my fellow Trustees in supporting a thriving school that continues to grow and adapt to the changing needs of the locality.


Governance Information

Pecuniary Interest Register

Articles of Association

Ofsted Report April 2023

Alderbrook School Accounts Financial Year 2022/23

Memorandum of Association

Funding Agreement

Trade Union facility time report