Alderbrook School takes it responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 seriously and we have due regard for the protected characteristics across our school. Equality and Diversity concerns and actions are discussed at staff meetings and at Governor meetings, where relevant and as needed. Training for all staff is held at least every two years. Equality and Diversity training is included in our core induction offer for all new staff.
We have set a clear vision and values which expect all our staff, pupils and families to act in a non-discriminating manner and show respect to each other. Our core values are Ambition, Bravery and Kindness.
We have up-to-date and ratified policies which set out a clear message that discrimination is not tolerated: these policies are listed below.
We understand that it is unlawful to fail to make reasonable adjustments to overcome barriers to using services caused by disability. Individual children in our school have individual education plans, education health and care plans as well as personal behaviour plans which map how we will make these adjustments. A number of children also have personalised and individual planning which is a reasonable adjustment of their learning provision.
We set equality objectives every four years which are reviewed annually. An annual action plan is available to show the progress we are making towards these objectives.
School leaders and administrators involved in recruitment will avoid unlawful discrimination in all aspects of employment including recruitment, promotion, opportunities for training, pay and benefits, discipline and selection for redundancy.
We offer a structured PSHE curriculum, assemblies, workshops and visits all of which exemplifies the British Values and our school values. More details of how our curriculum specifically meets these requirements can be found below.
In partnership with EqualiTeach, all staff have receive training on how to recognise prejudice-related incidents from September 2022. A 2 hour INSET for all staff was run by EqualiTeach in January 2023 to support teachers in managing prejudice-related incidents.
Since September 2023, we have three members of teaching staff who are working as EDI champions. They are working with the Local Authority EDI lead, researching and sharing current trend in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. The champions are collaborating with the wider staff on EDI projects. In January 2024 they conducted a survey on all Alderbrook staff, with over 120 responses.
For all incidents of discrimination an investigation is conducted and the outcome reviewed by a member of SLT. This is then logged and recorded, all parents receive a letter outlining the incident and consequences applied, as appropriate, signed by a member of SLT.
All staff receive induction training in the use of MyConcern, an online secure recording system. Regular refresher training is held as needed. When prejudice related incidents occur staff record these incidents. All incidents trigger review by a member of SLT once the investigation has been completed by the SLT within 48 hours. Clear actions are recorded for each incident with the SLT requesting further action/information as needed.
The trustees review the number of incidents termly.
Equality and Diversity themes are regularly included within this curriculum- for details, please see our curriculum booklets here.
We teach the full PSHE programme, which includes specific lessons on British Values.
In Year 7, all students follow the Aspire curriculum, including work on PSHE and tolerance, friendship and understanding, available here.
Children are taught RE bi-weekly across the school. We follow the SACRE curriculum.
Form time reading project – texts explore themes which promote tolerance and understanding.
Weekly assemblies are used to highlight the need for good relations, tolerance and understanding in our school.
Assemblies are responsive to current affairs and things going on both nationally, internationally and locally. We also include assemblies to address themes across the school as needed- for instance, we have held assemblies on Afghanistan, Ukraine, LGBTQ+. EqualiTeach delivered assemblies for Y7-10 to discuss equality and diversity supported by Alderbrook staff.
Themes included generally in the last 12 months were Ramadan, hidden disabilities including autism and ADHD, Martin Luther King, Refugees and food banks as well as fundraising events such as Comic Relief and Children in Need.
We have signed up to the EDI champion programme with the Local Authority, we have a 3 EDI champions with the school. A staff working group is working with groups of students to action changes within the school.
We will be contacting parents to share the projects the EDI champions will be completing.
June 2022 – survey on LGBTQ+ sent to students and staff, parents informed via letter.
Parent/Carer Voice is conducted termly with parents of students with SEND, and other parents are also invited. This is done in partnership with the Solihull Parent Carer forum.
Informal SLT parent drop ins held throughout academic year.
Annual parental questionnaire includes questions about how safe pupils are at school and how welcomed parents feel.
Questions on how welcome and safe children feel at school are included in the annual pupil questionnaire.
A student parliament held 3 times a year where children are asked about feeling included at school, bullying and prejudice related behaviour and attitudes towards people with disability. Children who are eligible for Pupil Premium, children who are disabled and children who represent other protected characteristics are always included in this panel as is appropriate.
We will be contacting parents to share the projects the EDI champions will be completing.
June 2022 – survey on LGBTQ+ sent to students and staff, parents informed via letter.
Parent/Carer Voice is conducted termly with parents of students with SEND, and other parents are also invited. This is done in partnership with the Solihull Parent Carer forum.
Informal SLT parent drop ins held throughout academic year.
Annual parental questionnaire includes questions about how safe pupils are at school and how welcomed parents feel.
Questions on how welcome and safe children feel at school are included in the annual pupil questionnaire.
A student parliament held 3 times a year where children are asked about feeling included at school, bullying and prejudice related behaviour and attitudes towards people with disability. Children who are eligible for Pupil Premium, children who are disabled and children who represent other protected characteristics are always included in this panel as is appropriate.