
Contact Info

The preferred method of contacting the school is to use our online contact form or email into the office and your query will be forwarded to the appropriate colleague.

Please complete the appropriate online form so the best person can help to resolve your query.

Please note: e-mails are not monitored when the school is closed for holidays, but will be picked up and actioned as detailed, on our return. Thank you.



Who would you like to contact today?

Please click on one of the four purple options below to select the appropriate contact:

General Enquiries Contact Form

Feedback Form

SEN Enquiries Contact Form

Sixth Form Contact Form

Absence details

Please address student absences to Ms Z Warwood

0121 704 2146 Ext 7213


Year 7
Head of Year : Monica Choudhury
Pastoral Manager : Sally Wedgbury
Year 8
Head of Year : Kirstie Parker
Pastoral Manager : Gary Walker
Year 9
Head of Year : Chris Finnegan
Pastoral Manager : Mike Wade
Year 10
Head of Year : Katie Williamson
Pastoral Manager : Jack Middleton
Year 11
Head of Year : Richard Graham
Pastoral Manager : Martin Stockman
Year 12
Head of Year : Bob Hall
Year 13
Head of Year : Shinead Desjarlais

Chair of Trustees : David Evans

Special Needs Co-Ordinator : Kerry Thompson-Moore


For general enquiries please call:

0121 704 2146


Please address student absences to Ms Z Warwood :
0121 704 2146 Ext 7213


Your enquiry will be forwarded to the appropriate colleague.


Alderbrook School
Blossomfield Road
West Midlands
B91 1SN