Intent & Implementation

Student Development encompasses learning support within the mainstream classrooms for students with a broad range of additional learning and social needs and the ARP (Additionally Resourced Provision), for children whose primary need is Autism and whom are allocated a place by the Local Authority. We have a highly qualified and experienced team of five specialist teachers, 4 Inclusion Practitioners and a team of Specialist Support Assistants (SSAs). The Team is coordinated by the Head of Inclusion/SENDCo, who is supported by the Deputy SENDCo, both of whom hold the NASENCO qualification.

We are guided by the SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 (2014) and make provision for our students based on the Graduated Approach, reviewing and adjusting the support as required.

The provision available to students is intended to meet individual needs and to facilitate inclusion and progression both academically and socially within the mainstream classroom. The interventions are designed to meet need in the four areas identified in the Code of Practice which are: Cognition and Learning; Communication and Interaction; Social, Emotional and Mental Health and Sensory and/or Physical Needs.

We can, and do, offer some smaller bespoke packages of support, outside of the mainstream classroom settings, based on the review of in class strategies and support deemed appropriate to the individual student.

These currently include:

Literacy intervention, SEMH support, Nurture based sessions, Assistive Technology, Speech and Language interventions, Social Skills Interventions, ‘Autism and Me’ programme and Fine and Gross Motor Skills support.

We have a Study Hub, staffed by an experienced Study Hub Manager, which provides a quiet space for intervention work and supporting students when they are feeling overwhelmed. Students are provided access to this provision where a need has been identified and agreed.

We have a mainstream Autism Lead Teacher, trained to Masters Level in Autism (children).

We offer supervised break and lunchtime clubs for our students, where a range of activities support the social, emotional and mental health needs of our students at this often challenging time.

Our practice is further informed, advised and supported by practitioners from specialist external agencies, who may also visit our students, via referrals agreed by parents and carers, within our department e.g. educational psychologists and members of the SISS team.


Contact the Head of Department

For further information, please contact Kerry Thompson-Moore.