

If you are not offered a place at this school you have the right of appeal against the decision not to allocate a place to your child.  Appeals are heard by an independent panel.

You can get an appeal form from Solihull Council website

Your appeal will be heard within the following timetable:



Deadline for receipt of your written appeal:

Your appeal will be heard by:

Secondary places for children starting in September 2024

12 April 2024 

We aim to hear all appeals submitted by the deadline before 17 June 2024

Appeal for a place starting at any other time

20 days after receipt of your outcome (refusal)

30 days after the appeals clerk has received your form or as soon as reasonably practical

Appeals received after the deadline will be heard within the schedule, if possible. However, if the form is received in late June the appeal may not be heard until after the school summer holidays.  Appeals are not heard during the school holidays.


You will receive 10 school days’ notice of the time and date of the appeal hearing. This can be waived if all parties agree. You will be sent a statement 7 days before your appeal hearing, explaining why your child has not been offered a place and why the school is unable to admit another pupil.

Any additional documentation you wish to submit in support of your appeal must be sent to the Appeal Clerk within 3 days of the appeal hearing. Failure to comply may result in your appeal hearing being adjourned.