PE (Physical Education) and sport at Alderbrook School are used as a vehicle to demonstrate positive physical, mental, and social benefits used to encourage students to develop as all round individuals. We aim to provide a positive whilst challenging experience through a broad range of activities delivered using sequenced content.
Our PE curriculum and extracurricular programme goes far beyond what is taught in lessons, although students achieve the exam results to a remarkably high standard, we believe a curriculum exceeds what is examinable. The curriculum design includes sequenced content assessed against the Head, Heart, Hands criteria. We assess these through knowledge, decision making and awareness (Head), ambition, motivation, and resilience (Heart), and skill development and application (Hands). As a department we believe all individuals are unique, possessing different talents and abilities across these three areas (Head, Heart, Hands), by not concentrating solely on practical performance this allows all students to be challenged and realise achievements across the PE curriculum
As a department, we offer an exciting and varied extracurricular programme. This provides an elevated level of challenge for more able students to develop their knowledge and understanding, gain experience and progress their talents further. However, opportunities are there for students to participate in less competitive environments where motivation may be focused more towards increased participation and health benefits, with a key focal point being enjoyment. This complements any physical activity or sporting commitments participated in outside of school allowing further practice and/or progression, whilst promoting the ethos of positive healthy and active lifestyles.
The learning journey students will experience across KS3-5 starts in KS3 with, learning to love PE and sport by knowing how to prepare themselves for safely for exercise, develop and embed basic skills. Progressing to enhancing skills, knowledge, and concepts applied to different sports/activities delivered. Utilising these skills learnt in KS3, KS4 involves applying knowledge, tactics, and leadership skills in physical activity and developing individual goals and motivations to participate and strive for success.
KS4 offers optional courses that run additionally to core PE and they are: GCSE PE and Cambridge National in Sports Studies (Level 1and 2). Both courses build on the work taught in KS3 and practical assessments are complemented by core PE and extracurricular activities.
At KS5 we offer two pathways: A- Level PE and BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport at KS5. Additionally, sports enrichment is offered to the whole sixth form to allow students to break from their studies and have two hours a week directed time to participate in physical activity. Also, extracurricular activities are available in both competitive and recreational formats.
In Physical Education we give students the best opportunity to become successful; we provide a steppingstone between primary and secondary school PE. We have an established transition period in the first half term in Year 7 allowing students to experience a broad and balanced of activities in mixed ability groups, understanding the high expectations expected and have an introduction to how PE is assessed. Furthermore, some interaction has been made with taster sessions in Year 6 proving highly successful and this is a key focus for expansion, as we strongly recognise the need for this transition to be as smooth as possible to make PE enjoyable and to foster a love for physical activity.
Implementing the assessment criteria of Head, Heart, Hands is vital for students to access the correct level of challenge and feedback from staff. Students can use this information to realise their strengths and weaknesses with the criteria providing accurate next steps for them to aspire to. Sustaining a consistent approach to this involves a collaborative approach across the department to use the criteria to make students aware of their stage in learning to give them meaningful areas to improve. 2022/23 is key to the sustainability of this approach with a big emphasis on this across KS3.
Collaborative curriculum planning lies at the heart of what we do in the department. We a committed to constantly reviewing the content that is delivered, ensuring the sequencing is pitched at the correct level for the age or ability of a group. Adaptations are often made to cater for all needs both practically and theoretically to ensure PE is accessible for all and achievement is evident.
Using retrieval (Rosenshine) strategies is particularly relevant in lessons, utilising starters, past papers, catch up sessions and online webinars to access previous content allows students to embed key knowledge and skills that are required to achieve. This has proved successful in recent examinations. Retrieval of previous content in practical lessons is prevalent but identification of this to students is a key focus of this academic year.
Sport is a major part of Alderbrook’s community. The balanced and ambitious curriculum is complemented by a broad extracurricular programme. Students can access elevated levels of challenge through sport teams and competitions at local, regional, and National level. Opportunities are available for students to gain, ‘once in a lifetime opportunity,’ to perform at some of best venues in the country such as Villa Park and Manchester Regional Arena through progress in school competitions. In 2021/22, Alderbrook was represented at both these venues for elite sport.
Physical Education at Alderbrook acts as a steppingstone into careers associated with sport. Courses successfully delivered in KS4 and KS5 create further opportunities for students to access University courses associated with sport, science and/or medicine, sports teaching, and multiple careers in the sports industry. Opportunities to get a taster of careers available happen through university visits, work experience placements and ski trips abroad.
The plan for our year 7 lessons is shown below :
The plan for our year 8 lessons is shown below :
The plan for our year 9 lessons is shown below :
The plan for our year 10 lessons is shown below :
The plan for our year 11 lessons is shown below :
For further information, please contact James Scott.