
PSHE education at ABK gives our students the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in the modern world. PSHE education at ABK helps students to achieve their academic potential, and to leave school equipped with skills that they will need throughout later life.

At the heart of this curriculum are the school values: Ambition, Bravery and Kindness – which link to the three areas of PSHE: 

  • Living in the Wider World – Ambition
  • Health and Well-Being – Bravery
  • Relationships – Kindness




Alderbrook School has been a pioneering school in the development of Life Ready Solihull for several years.   We worked in collaboration with other local schools to design a ‘Life Ready’ programme which has been developed in our school to embrace aspects of employability, PSHE, and character development.   In light of the statutory (2020) Guidance for Relationships, Health and Sex Education and as an early adopter of this programme in September 2019, we have re-shaped the PSHE curriculum and mapped it across different delivery points with age appropriate consideration.

Opportunities to visit content in different contexts have been developed across our long-term plans, so that students re-consider key issues in a range of contexts as they grow up.

Primarily, PSHE is delivered via one lesson per fortnight by a dedicated team of teachers, and also on three Life Ready Days, which are devoted to the deeper study of aspects of this curriculum and which enables visitors to support the programme.

Subjects across the curriculum also deliver aspects of the programme, including in particular, e-safety in Computing lessons, families in R.E., sex education in Science, and health and well-being in P.E.

Our assembly programme provides a further platform for aspects where a presentational style of delivery is appropriate.