Over the last two weeks I have been shocked and moved by the events that have unfolded in America and across the world. Like me, I suspect you are trying to process what impact the tragic murder of George Floyd and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests will ultimately have. Understandably, media commentary has focussed on racial division in the US, and events in cities across the UK, but racism and all forms of discrimination are a global matter and very importantly, a local one too.
As a school, we have a huge responsibility to ensure that children of all races recognise the existence of racism in all its forms, and that we educate them to challenge such discrimination. We use lessons, assemblies and school events to cover topics that discuss the existence of racism, the concepts of prejudice & discrimination and the importance of inclusion being a right for everyone and not a privilege for a select few. The curriculum we deliver and class discussions we have, carefully attempt to teach this content at an age appropriate level.
We are constantly evolving our curriculum as we better understand how to celebrate diversity and inform our students effectively, yet we must all do more. The Senior Leadership Team, staff and students, supported by parents and governors, will continue to reflect and build on all that we do and offer. It is inevitable and right that global events, including this recent tragedy, will continue to shape this process; the curriculum and all other aspects of school life remain under close scrutiny. Alderbrook will be more proactive in its stand against racial injustice. We know that we must not wait for others to make a difference, but must look inwards to explore what further we can do and how we can improve.
With very best wishes,
Tom Beveridge