Please bear in mind that all Year 11 students will be issued with an Ultimate Revision Guide at the appropriate tier in the new year.
These guides are exclusive to Alderbrook and provide comprehensive coverage of the content contained within each curriculum.
Both guides are complete with model answers and the Higher Tier guide will be accompanied by video solutions.
Mathematics is very much a performance-based subject. The skills taught require much consolidation to master and to then replicate. This is more so the case when one considers the blend of Assessment Objectives that must now be addressed when examiners are constructing papers.
In short, for students to become accustomed to the time constraints and the levels of demand of the new, 9-1 papers, they must complete past papers. It is a very good idea to complete the papers, self-mark and log your scores as you go along.
Higher Tier papers can be found here, with answers and mark schemes:
Higher Tier entrants will be looking for papers in the Edexcel section.
Students sitting the Foundation Tier will be looking in the OCR section.
The best form of preparation for exams in Maths is certainly past papers, because they serve to highlight student weaknesses, as well as assessing how well students do under the necessary conditions.
Students will still need to practice with weak areas. The best website in the world at present for GCSE resources is undoubtedly .
For pretty much every topic, you will find ‘Textbook Exercises’ (tonnes of drill questions to become familiarised with the core skills) and ‘Practice Questions’ (exam style questions to help with Problem Solving elements of the assessments).
If you want a specific set of questions on Circle Theorems (for example) type into Google “Circle Theorems Corbett Maths textbook exercise” and the first hit will be what you want.