We very much look forward to welcoming you on Enrolment Day 2023 which will take place on Thursday 24th August.
For those of you who would like to take up your conditional offer, we will be enrolling internal students between 9.00am and 12noon, with external students enrolled between 1pm and 3pm.
Please make your way into the Sixth Form where our staff look forward to welcoming and supporting you through the enrolment process.
During this process, we will be asking you to log in to your application form and confirm your personal details, so it is essential that you are able to log in and retrieve your application form via the following link:
Alderbrook School (applicaa.com)
Please be aware if too many students enrol for a particular course (and we are unable to run additional groups) numbers on courses will need to be limited. In this instance, priority will be given to those students who have achieved the highest grades (9) on a sliding downwards scale. Therefore, following your enrolment meeting on 25 August, final confirmation of places on courses will be made via email by 6pm that day. With this in mind, it is always sensible to ensure you have secured additional offers from other post-16 education providers, as you may need to rely on an alternative destination.
For those of you who are unable to join us in person on enrolment day, but would still like to study here at Alderbrook, you will be need to complete the available ONLINE enrolment form
Alderbrook School (applicaa.com)
by 1pm on Thursday 24th August, making sure that you do the following:
We hope that you have a lovely summer and look forward to seeing as many as you as possible on August 25th,
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes,
Mr Bryan,
Director of Sixth Form