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Our first cohort of Sixth Form students have performed extremely well in their A Level examinations. We are proud to report a pass rate of 98.8%; above the 2017 national average. With just under 70% of all grades achieved being grade C and above, and so many subjects performing significantly higher than national average at A*-B, we are delighted with the achievements of every individual student who now leave us to move on to a range of exciting destinations.
The majority of our students look forward to University life. We also have a small collection of students taking up prestigious Degree Apprenticeships, with companies like Jaguar LandRover, Higher Apprenticeships and Employment. Those heading to University will be attending institutions across both England and Wales, with a significant number achieving places at ‘Russell Group’ institutions including: Birmingham, Durham, Leeds, Liverpool, Nottingham and York. Reflecting the diverse range of talents and interests which makes this year group so distinctive, students will embark upon the study of subjects on courses ranging from Mathematics to Art; Pharmacy to Drama; History to Computer Science. We wish them all great success.
Honourable mentions must go to Deputy Head Boy Louis Boot with A* A* A A and also Michael Mullen A* A* A and Fraser Luckhurst A* A A. Louis, pictured here with his results, comments “I am absolutely chuffed to have achieved A* Maths, A* Further Maths, A Physics and A Computer Science! I achieved 591/600 for Maths and 559/600 for Further Maths which I am really pleased with!! These grades have earned me ‘The Watson Maths Scholar Award’ which is an annual bursary of £1000 at the University of Birmingham to study Maths (MSci Mathematics 4 yr Masters). I also found out that I had gained a level 2 in STEP, only 2 marks below a level 1!”
Alongside all the celebrations with the class of 2017, we must not forget the exceptional achievements of those students who also collected AS results. With an impressive increase in the number of AS students achieving A-B outcomes compared to 2016, we look forward to welcoming these students back into an even more successful Year 13 in September. Some highlights of individual success include: Catherine Pointon, William McGuinness and Jessica Tolan with A A A A, Sufyan Khan A A A B, along with Daniel Myers, Nathan Myers and Adam Partridge who all achieved A A A.
Congratulations again to all our Sixth Form students. We are very proud of you all!