Food Preparation & Nutrition

Curriculum Intent

The teaching staff in the Food Department are all expert in their particular fields and share a passion for helping young people gain skills, knowledge and understanding in Food Preparation and Nutrition. Students gain knowledge of the functional and chemical properties of food, food provenance and the relationship between diet and good health through experimentation, practical work and theory lessons.

The aim of the Food Department is to help equip students with the wide range of skills knowledge and understanding they need to function effectively throughout life.

The food department comprises of two modern food kitchens.

Curriculum Implementation

Key Stage 3

All students will study one lesson a fortnight of food education through experimentation, practical work and theory lessons.

Year 7

Students will learn to use a variety of preparation techniques and equipment safely and independently.

Students will begin examine the nutrients in food specifically related to fruit and vegetables.

Students will learn about food provenance and examine the issues arising from food miles.

Students will also examine the food commodity fish and sustainable fishing.

Year 8

Students will continue to use a variety of preparation techniques and equipment safely and independently.

Students will learn how to modify a recipe to make the dish healthier.

Students will examine the macronutrient Carbohydrate. Learning about starch, sugar and fibre (NSP) in relation to their diet.

Students will examine the chemical properties of starch.

Students will continue to learn about food provenance and will examine the food commodity wheat.


Key Stage 4

Breakdown of GCSE: 50% written exam paper 50% NEA – Non Examination Assessment

NEA 1(15%) 1,000 word Report on a Food Science Investigation set by the exam board each year

NEA 2 (35%) Research, plan, make and evaluate 3 dishes for a design brief set by the exam board.

 Year 9

Nutritional content of food – look at the nutrients in different foods, why we need them and the consequences of not eating the right balance

Functions and chemical properties of food – look at why certain ingredients are needed in food products, combining ingredients, finishing techniques and the chemical processes that occur to nutrients during cooking.

Social, moral and ethical issues – Organic, GM foods, Food miles

Practical work– Make a variety of food products to develop practical skills from shaping a burger, rolling a Swiss roll and jointing a chicken.

Year 10

Food Safety – Learn all about food safety and hygiene. Examine how micro-organisms are used in food production.

Students will prepare and cook high risk foods such as eggs, cream and protein foods.

Methods of cooking food – How heat is transferred and further examination of the chemical changes that occur when different methods of cooking are used.

International Cuisine – Examine British, Mediterranean and Asian Cultures.

Students will base their practice NEA 2 on a cuisine of their choice.

Food Science– Students will examine raising agents.

Students will complete a practice NEA 1 based on raising agents

 Year 11

Term 1- NEA 1 based on the functional and chemical properties of food

Term 2 – NEA 2 based on the research, planning, making and evaluating three dishes based on a design brief. Practical examination to cook the chosen three dishes is in the first week of March.

Revision structure to start at the end of March.

Skills for Success and Career Opportunities

An understanding of food preparation and nutrition is relevant to many industries and job roles. Doctors, care providers and nutritionists in hospitals use this knowledge, as do sports coaches and fitness instructors. Hotels and restaurants, food manufacturers and government agencies also use this understanding to develop menus, food products and policies that that support healthy eating initiatives. Many employment opportunities within the field of food science and nutrition are available to graduates. In addition, there are many employment opportunities through the apprenticeship scheme especially in hospitality and catering.

Skills that can be gained by studying Food are:

Organisation – to bring in ingredients for practical lessons

Be prepared to work with different food commodities

Enjoy the science behind the recipes

Learn by doing

Be able to problem solve by applying nutritional knowledge to improve and modify recipes for different dietary needs.

Contact the Head of Department

For further information; please contact Mrs K Miller