BIOLOGY PAPER 1 – 1pm Tuesday 13th May
CHEMISTRY PAPER 1 – 9am Monday 19th May
PHYSICS PAPER 1 – 9am Thursday 22nd May
BIOLOGY PAPER 2 – 9am Monday 9th June
CHEMISTRY PAPER 2 – 9am Friday 13th June
PHYSICS PAPER 2 – 9am Monday 16th June
Please click on the button below to open the ABK SHAREPOINT DASHBOARD.
This contains more links, more questions and more videos that will help you with your revision.
– please only choose ‘TRILOGY’ – do not choose ‘SYNERGY’
please remember whether you are doing FOUNDATION, HIGHER or TRIPLE
please remember whether you are doing FOUNDATION, HIGHER or TRIPLE
Please make sure you choose ‘FOUNDATION‘, ‘HIGHER‘, or ‘TRIPLE‘.
Students studying COMBINED SCIENCE have 21 practicals that should be covered and experienced within year 10 and year 11. TRIPLE SCIENCE students have 28.
‘6 mark questions’ will be asked that expect you to be able to describe how to carry out these practicals.
Below is a complete list with some ‘notes‘, an online ‘simulation‘ and a ‘video‘ for each.
ALL OF THE PHYSICS PRACTICALS in 14 minutes – video
Please choose carefully for each of your exams below :
Friday 10th May
Friday 17th May
Wednesday 22nd May
Friday 7th June (pm)
Tuesday 11th June
Friday 14th June (pm)
Please choose FOUNDATION, HIGHER or TRIPLE for each of the topics below :
Cell biology
Infection and response
Homeostasis and response
Inheritance, variation and evolution
Atomic structure and the periodic table
Bonding, structure and the properties of matter
Quantitative chemistry
Chemical changes
Energy changes
The rate and extent of chemical change
Organic chemistry
Chemical analysis
Chemistry of the atmosphere
Using resources
Particle model of matter
Atomic structure